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Figure 1: Renogy 200 watt folding panel, in the sun Click on the image for a larger version. |
Update - 10/24:
I recent spent most of a week in a national park where I extensively used the solar panel and charger - along with some LiFePO4 batteries - as my main power source. The panel was set up with 3-6 feet (1-2 meters) of my portable HF antenna. I did not notice any interference from this system at all. I did notice a bit of QRM from my fridge/freezer cooler to which I have since added its own RF filtering.
A year or so ago I got a 200 watt foldable solar panel system. This unit - made by Renogy - consists of two glass panels in metal frames equipped with a sort of "kickstand" assembly to allow it to be angled more favorably with the sun to improve its output. I use this panel when "car camping" to charge the batteries to run the sorts of things that one might bring: Lights, refrigerator, amateur radio transceivers and who knows what else.
On that last point, I've done some "in the field" operating on the HF amateur bands while the battery is being charged and noticed that the charge controller (and not the panel itself!) produced a bit of "hash" on the radio - mostly in the form of frequent "birdies" that swished around in frequency as the solar insolation and temperature varied - as well as a general low-level noise at some frequencies.
This problem is not specific to the Renogy panel's charge controller, but common to almost any panel+controller combination that you will find.
Nearly all "portable" and RV solar power systems cause QRM:
You will find similar systems built into RVs and campers and these are also well known (notorious, even!) for generating RFI. The techniques described here to quiet interference from these devices applies equally to those as well - but note that one may have to "scale up" the inductors/capacitors to accommodate higher voltages and currents that may be found in those systems.
By placing the solar panel with charge controller and the battery being charged some distance away from the antenna, this interference could be reduced, but that fact that it was even there in the first place annoyed me, so I did what I have done many times before (see the links to other blog entries at the end of this article) and mitigated it by making fairly easy, reversible modifications to the panel's controller.
Portable solar panels and RFI In my travels, I've been around other users of portable solar panels of various brands and I have yet to find any commercially-available portable panel+controller combination that does NOT produce noticeable RFI on HF/VHF among the half-dozen or so brands that I have checked. In comparison with most of the others that I've been around with radios, the Renogy is comparatively quiet - producing less overall QRM with fairly long wires between the panel/controller and battery - than the others - but I decided that I could make it even quieter! |
Where does the QRM come from?
It is NOT the solar panel itself that produces the radio frequency noise, but rather the charge controller attached to it.
Modern charge controllers electronically convert the (usually higher) voltage from the solar panels down to something closer to the battery voltage and this is typically done using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) which means that these devices contain high-power oscillators: This is true for simple "PWM" types of charge controllers as well as those using "MPPT" techniques. It's this oscillation / switching action that produces a myriad of harmonics that can extend through the HF spectrum - and even into VHF/UHF!
The "Antenna" in this case consists of two parts of the PV system as depicted in the drawing below:
- The wires connecting to the load. Typically a battery being charged - which can be connected to other things (e.g. vehicle, inverter, etc.) The wires connecting the panel to these other things - and those devices themselves - act as part of the "antenna" that potentially radiates noise.
- The solar panel itself. The solar panel consists of large plates of metal - not only the silicon of the panel, but any metal frame and wiring: This large area of conductive material offers a suitably large aperture to permit radiation of HF RF.
The "load" and solar panel constitute two different parts of the charge controller's system when it comes to radiation of RF: The panel is connected to the INPUT of the PWM circuitry while the wiring is connected to the OUTPUT of the PWM circuitry, effectively forming a dipole antenna. To a degree, the electrical lengths of these two conductors - which can include power cords or even a vehicle - overall can broadly resonate, affecting certain frequency ranges more than others.
The reason for the generation of the interference is due to the fact that the PWM circuitry (which is operating at a frequency of 10s or 100s of kHz) uses square waves, rich in harmonics. As the voltage input (from the panel) and the output (to the battery/load) are different parts of the PWM circuit, they necessarily have different waveforms on them.
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Figure 3: Charge controller with additional filtering showing added bifilar-wound chokes/caps on both the input and output leads. Click on the image for a larger version. |
While this device does have some filtering to provide a degree of input impedance reduction (fairly high capacitance) and smoothing of the PWM waveform of the output (more capacitors and likely some inductance) the extent to which this filtering is implemented is suitable for the purpose of providing clean DC power to the load and maximize power conversion efficiency. This filtering - and likely the controller's circuit board itself - was likely not intended to provide the high degree of RF suppression needed to make it quiet enough to avoid the conduction of RF energy onto its conductors which is then picked up by a nearby receiver.
Containing the RF energyFerrite alone is NOT the answer!
One may presume that the answer to this problem is the implementation of RF device such as snap-on or toroidal ferrite devices - and you would be partially correct. Any practical inductor - such as that formed by the introduction of a ferrite device onto an existing wire - will have rather limited efficacy in quashing RF currents.
Snap-on devices (e.g. those through which a wire passes) have very limited usefulness at HF frequencies (<30 MHz) - especially on the lower bands - as they simply cannot impart a significant amount of reactance in the conductor onto which they are installed. At higher frequencies (VHF, UHF) they can have a greater effect - but their efficacy will usually be disappointing at HF.
Using a device that can accommodate multiple turns through its center such as a toroid (or even a larger snap-on device) it may be possible to get up to a few hundred ohms of reactance on a conductor across a fairly wide frequency range - but even this will be capable of reducing the amount of RF by 10-20 dB (2-3 "S" units) at most: Depending on the intensity of the RFI from the solar controller, this may not be enough to quash the interfering energy to inaudibility - particularly in a remote and otherwise "RF Quiet" location.
To be sure, it's worth trying just the ferrite devices by themselves to see if - in your situation - it reduces the RF interference from the controller to your satisfaction, but remember that the location where you are likely to be using this panel is probably far quieter (RF-wise) than your home QTH: A "quiet" Solar charging system may seem quiet enough at your noisy home QTH, but could still be noisy in the middle of nowhere.
The addition of capacitors to the circuit can improve the efficacy over ferrite alone by orders of magnitude. Consider the diagram below:
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Figure 5: Three 0.1uF monolithic capacitors placed across the controller's terminals (C2a, C2b, C2c). Click on the image for a larger version. |
A glimpse of what was done may be seen in Figure 3. Some 14 AWG paired copper wire (red/black) was wound on two FT140-43 ferrite toroids - about 6 bifilar turns in this case: Individual wires could have been used other than "zip" cord - just be sure that the two parallel conductors are laid in parallel to maximize the effectiveness of the bifilar configuration. Two of these wire/bifilar devices were constructed - one for the DC from the panel and the other for the output to the battery/load. "Spade" lugs were installed on one end of the red/black wires - two lugs per wire/bifilar assembly. (FT240-43 or FT240-31 toroids could also have been used, but the FT140-43 is a fraction of the cost, half the diameter, and perfectly suitable for this application. The FT240 size may be more appropriate if such a filter network is constructed for a higher-current system with larger-gauge wire.)
On the solar controller itself, small 0.1uF, 50 volt monolithic capacitors were installed (C2a, C2b, C2c) to form part of the filter circuitry: Minimal lead length is important for maximum effectiveness. While monolithic ceramic capacitors are preferred because they are small (and will fit more easily in tight spaces) and have very low ESR (Effective Series Resistance) one could use disk ceramic capacitors instead. Film/plastic capacitors are less effective at higher frequencies.
As can be seen from this picture and Figure 5, the terminals are the "clamp" type and are connected in the same manner as the lugs on the cable on the bifilar toroid assembly. - and also note that this "modification" is completely reversible as nothing at all was changed on the controller itself.
The other end of the red/black wires were soldered to a four-position screw terminal strip as seen in Figure 6 - similar to the one on the back of the charge controller. As with the terminal strip on the controller, three 0.1uF 50 volt capacitors were soldered (C1a, C1b, C1c) on the back for RF bypassing. It is possible to have connected the capacitors under the clamps as was done on the controller, but soldering them to the back means that they would not be prone to falling out or being lost if the cables were changed.Spectrum analysis plots - updated 12/24
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Figure 7: Un-filtered 0-30 MHz spectrum from the controller, directly coupled. |
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Figure 8: Un-filtered 0-10 MHz spectrum from the controller, directly coupled. |
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Figure 9: 0-30 MHz, directly coupled to the controller - after filtering. |
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Figure 11: The same filtering - this time, applied to a Renogy Rover 20 amp MPPT solar controller. Click on the image for a larger version. |
- The December 8, 2012 entry about "Reducing Switch Supply Racket racket (RF Interference) - Link
- See also the September 4, 2013 entry, "Quieting High-Current switching supplies used in the ham shack - link
- The article "Minimizing VHF and HF RFI from electronic ballasts and fluorescent tubes - link - from December 17, 2015 may also be useful in quashing interference from these sources.
- The December 1, 2017 article "Containing RF noise from a sine wave UPS" - link - also details how interference from an RF-noisy device may be suppressed.
- Quieting an insanely noisy LED floodlight - link. This describes how a constant-current LED supply that produced enough interference to quash HF reception was quieted down to the point of undetectability.
- Quieting a 150 watt Samlex sine wave inverter - link. This page talks about making an otherwise RF-noisy sine wave inverter quiet at radio frequencies.
- Completely containing switching power supply RFI - link. Sometimes
it can be difficult to quiet a switching power supply, so it may be
necessary to put it in a box with strong filtering on all of the
conductors that enter/leave.