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Figure 1: Drawing a 1/2" (1cm) arc from the contraption. Click on the image for a larger version. |
This project deals with high voltages - possibly in excess of 12 kV. While the current is low, it is still possible for the output to cause fire, injury - directly or indirectly - or even death.
Any experimentation or use of the circuit(s) described on this page should be done with extreme caution and only by persons familiar with high voltage safety.In a television these transformers are driven externally at a specific horizontal frequency - usually between 15.6-15.8 kHz - but with a small number of components a self-contained "power" oscillator can be assembled, operating over a wider range of frequencies and capable of producing high voltages.
You have been warned!
The circuit and (my arbitrary) pin connection for this transformer is shown in Figure 2, below.
The pin-out in Figure 2 is specific to this particular transformer but similar arrangements may be divined with most other flybacks from solid-state televisions with an ohmmeter and the use of clip-leads to find the optimal connections. What is common to most flybacks is that one or more of the pins on the bottom will appear to not be connected to anything else, but one of these will probably be the bottom end of the high voltage winding with one or more of the others may be used for focus voltage or similar.
The starting values for R1 and R2 would be 1k and 270 ohms, respectively, but this would be adjusted for best performance with the operating voltage, expected load, specific transistor and flyback transformer that was used. In testing, these resistor values were found to work between 4 and 16 volts - albeit, not necessarily optimally. The use of capacitor C1 is strongly recommended and it is suggested that a "Low ESR" type as found in switching supplies be used.
Transistor Q1 and its head sink was a 2SC4130 pulled from a junked switching (probably PC) power supply and was used because it was free. Because this is an oscillator and this transistor's original use was in a switching supply - and with its high voltage rating - it was particularly suitable for this application. The specific transistor isn't particularly important and almost any NPN power device will work, preferably one that is rated for over 100 volts, but some seem to work better than others for reasons that aren't immediately obvious so it's worth trying a few different devices. No matter which transistor you use it is a good idea to heat sink it if it will be operated under any load for more than a few seconds.
For what purposes would one use this sort of circuit?
Aside from making pretty arcs or producing coronas and lots of ozone, these sorts of voltage (6-12kV) at the low currents of which a set-up like this is capable could be used for "lighting up" an image intensifier (a.k.a. "night vision") tube, for "electrostatic wind" experiments, to mildly charge objects so that they are attracted to each other (e.g. paint, glitter, etc.), to "strike" and light small HeNe laser tubes (with the appropriate ballast resistor) or to briefly test gas discharge tubes such as neon displays to verify their seal integrity.
What's the voltage, Kenneth?
Voltages like this aren't particularly difficult to measure, rather they are awkward. They are far too high for all but the most specialized of voltmeters (you risk damage if you try!) so the most appropriate tool for this would be a high voltage probe as is used to measure voltage on a cathode ray tube. Usually around a foot (25cm) long and with a separate ground lead, these may be had second-hand, particularly now that cathode-ray devices are becoming a rarity.
It is possible to use resistors to make a divider to measure this voltage, but there's a catch: Most common resistors are rated for only 250-1000 volts (at most!) drop across them, the rating depending both on how they are made and the wattage/physical size. As an example, if you wanted to use 10 Megohm, 1/2 watt resistors, you'd need to wire at least twenty of them in series to achieve a nominal 10kV safety rating, assuming a 500 volt rating per resistor: Check the specs!
In my case I rummaged about and found a bunch of 10-20 Megohm, 2 watt carbon composition resistors (safe for1000-1500 volts, each) and wired them in as a divider to get an approximate voltage measurement. Even though the resistance was in the 100+ Megohm range, I could tell by the reduction of the arc length and the amount of current being drawn from the power supply that this was loading the output and significantly reducing the voltage meaning that with no load at all, the voltage was higher, still.
Remember: For whatever purpose you intend to use it, be careful!
This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com
i happened upon your blog looking for the pinout of a similar flyback and i was wondering where you found this schematic and if you possibly knew/had a diagram of the pinout for a E58491 flyback transformer or BSH7-N01LB and if either of mine or yours were similar pinout. thanks! @videoswithsoarin@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteBy mapping out the DC resistances between the pins and then using a signal generator along with an oscilloscope to determine the apparent turns ratios, I was able to determine enough of the flyback's internal structure to start experimenting - I never did find any "real" information other than that it was used for small B&W televisions.
DeleteBecause there are (literally) thousands of different types of flyback transformers out there, unless you can find a manufacturer's data sheet (seemingly unlikely for parts that are no longer used) or a schematic of a device that used it, you'll probably have to do some reverse-engineering of your own.
This thing is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI'm a hobbyist with many years of electronic junk laying around, and I just built this tonight, not even using any of the same components. And yet it worked. It's one of the only things I've ever built that's worked on the first try.
An ingenious, foolproof circuit! Especially since it doesn't require the split primary coils like every other one of these drivers I've seen.
Thank you so much! I'll be using it as an ozone deodorizer for the kitchen trashcan <3 Goodbye, smelly garbage!