Saturday, December 28, 2024

Charging LiFePO4 batteries from a vehicular electrical system - the problems and a solution.

Figure 1:
The Renogy RNG-DCC1212-20 - an isolated
and current-limited battery charger, intended
for use with vehicle electrical systems.
Click on the image for a larger version.

There are times - usually on a camping or road trip - where I would like to charge my LiFePO4 batteries en-route, from the vehicle.  The "need" is largely the result of having one of those coolers with a built in compressor:  It runs about 10-30% of the time at normal room temperature and pulls about 3.5 amps when doing so - but it's also advantageous to be able to keep a battery topped off in the event that you didn't start the trip with a fully-charged battery in the first place.

To do this, one may be tempted to connect the battery directly to the vehicle's electrical system, as might have done in days past with a lead-acid battery.

DO NOT do this with any lithium battery - at least not directly.

In short, you cannot and should not parallel a LiFePO4 battery with an existing charging system intended for lead-acid batteries.  The biggest issue with doing so is that unlike a lead-acid battery, a LiFePO4 battery will attempt to charge with all available current, likely resulting in blown fuses, heated wires and burnt-out alternators. A secondary issue has to do with the BMS (Battery Management System) of the LiFePO4 simply disconnecting abruptly when the battery is fully-charge, potentially causing voltage spikes capable of damaging vehicle electronics and possibly, the BMS itself.

See the section "Why you need to treat LiFePO4 batteries differently" in the "tl;dr" section near the end of this article (link) for more details as to the problems that can occur.

A solution

The solution to the issues noted above lie largely in limiting the charging current.  One way to do this would be resistively - perhaps with the use of intentionally small-gauge wire and/or resistor or incandescent automobile headlamp in series.  This will, by its nature, generate heat as it's inefficient - and it can generate quite a bit of heat (potential fire risk here!) - but this is the way one might have accomplished this in years past.

This sort of limiting may occur unintentionally if one charges via, say, a cigarette lighter/accessory plug connected with light-gauge wire, but this is sort of a "kludge".  One issue with this is that it can cause frequent blown fuses as the current isn't regulated and if the user attempts to circumvent this by using a higher-current fuse, damage to the electrical system (or even fire) can result.  If the connection is made to a power source that is switched on/off with the ignition, a connected battery can "back feed" the electrical system which can result in the battery being discharged when the vehicle is off or, worst case, damage to both the vehicle and battery.

These days one would use a current-limited and regulated voltage DC-to-DC converter with its power source connected as close to the vehicle battery as possible.

One of the many devices out there that will fit the bill is the Renogy RNG-DCC1212-20 (pictured above), available at the time of the original posting of this article for around US$100:  Using DIP switches, the type of battery (lead-acid, Lithium-Ion or LiFePO4 - I configured for the latter) may be selected along with the charging profile/voltage - and the device will limit the maximum charge current to just 20 amps, selectable to 10 amps with the addition of a jumper wire to the "LC" terminal.  What this means is that no matter the charge state of the LiFePO4 battery, the current being pulled from the vehicle's electrical system will be limited - very useful if one expects to avoid blowing fuses, destroying alternators, or burning up wiring.  (Note:  I have no vested interest in Renogy, they just happen to make one of the readily-available devices that is appropriate for this task.)

Additionally, it's rated to operate from between 8 and 16 volts while maintaining a constant output voltage (once the output current has dropped below limiting) that is independent of the voltage from the vehicle's electrical system. The Renogy is also an isolated DC-DC converter in that there is no electrical connection between the input and output terminals:  By being isolated, circulating currents (through the chassis or other "sneak paths") can be completely avoided which may be helpful for some sensitive equipment and/or to minimize/eliminate alternator "whine".

This particular unit is rated for up to 20 amps output current.  Rated at about 90% efficiency, it will take more power on its input connections than it will output, producing a bit of heat (which is why it has internal fans).  Also note that the current pulled by the unit will vary depending on the voltage input despite the fact that the output voltage and current may remain constant.

For example, let's say that the unit is outputting 20 amps at 14.5 volts, representing a LiFePO4 battery that is nearly fully-charged representing an output power of 290 watts:  Assuming 90% efficiency, the unit will actually consume 322 watts with the difference (32 watts) as heat.   At an input voltage of 12.0 volts,  322 watts is 26.8 amps, but at 14.0 volts, 322 watts is just 23.0 amps.  The fact that it can pull more current from the source supply than it is outputting - particularly when the input voltage goes down - must be taken into account when sizing the wire and selecting the fuse rating.

You can't just connect it and walk away!

The Renogy has a "D+" terminal that, when connected to a voltage source, will activate it.  The intent is that this wire is connected to some part of the vehicle's electrical system that is likely to be on when the engine is running to charge the battery - such as the "accessory" circuit.  The reason for this is that the Renogy itself has no useful low-voltage disconnect:  If you connected it to the vehicle's electrical system with the engine off, it will happily attempt to charge the battery to which it's connected - and if the battery being charged is a large, discharged LiFePO4 battery, it will likely run the vehicle's battery down completely in doing so.

For a permanent installation in a truck, van or RV, finding a wire that is only active when the engine is running (or, perhaps, the ignition is just "on") makes sense - but in my case I have no need for a permanent installation of the unit - plus, I don't have room to mount the unit and am unwilling to connect/disconnect an "ignition on" wire from the electrical system every time I install/remove it.

One way around this would be to monitor the battery voltage:  If it's above about 13.5 volts, one can be assured that the engine is running, but it will drop fairly quickly when the engine is off as the lead-acid starting battery's voltage drops.  Unfortunately, the Renogy's only means of low-voltage cut-off is set to 8 volts (a very "dead" 12 volt battery!) which requires that I come up with another way of enabling/disabling the device. 

Another issue is that whenever  the unit is on (the D+ line is active) but unloaded (e.g. no battery connected to the output) it consumes about 250 mA at 14 volts - increasing to over 500mA at 10 volts - and more than this if its cooling fans are running:  This sort of load will run a battery dead in a few days at best, so there had to be a way of completely disabling it and eliminating current draw.

A voltage-controlled switch

In poking around, I noted that without the "D+" line connected to a voltage source, the Renogy drew no detectable current meaning that I could leave the high-current input leads connected full-time:  By switching just the D+ lead I could enable/disable the device as needed without the need of a heavy-duty relay.  (Judging by the "clunk" that one hears when applying power to the D+ line, the Renogy probably has such a relay built into it.)

As the D+ line itself drew very little current (only about 3 milliamps) and anything above about 4 volts seemed to reliably trigger it, it would take almost nothing to drive it so the circuit could be very simple as the diagram below shows:

Figure 2:
Schematic diagram of the low-voltage cut-off circuit with hysteresis.
This circuit provides an "on/off" control of the converter to the "D+" line based on the
voltage at the "V+" and "V-" connections.
Click on the image for a slightly larger version.

How it works:

The "V+" and "V-" lines are connected across the unit's input terminals to monitor the voltage applied to it.  Resistor R1 scales the input voltage to a lower value to apply to the top of R2, a 10-turn trimmer potentiometer, that is used to divide the voltage down to the 2.5 volt threshold of U1, a TL431 "programmable Zener" via its "reference" terminal.  Capacitor C1 connected across the top of R2 provides a degree of filtering to reduce the probability of the circuit from responding to noise on the electrical system.

Figure 3:
The prototype, built on a scrap of proto board.  This uses
uses through-hole components, but could have been built to be
much smaller using surface-mount devices.  The capacitor has
been lifted up to allow a better view of the components.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Resistor R3 limits the current into U1 and R4 limits the current into Q1 while R5 keeps the emitter-base voltage of Q1 high when U1 isn't conducting, turning it off, resulting in no voltage on the "Out" lead and in this state, with the Out lead connected to the Renogy's "D+" connection, the unit would be powered down and draw no current.  Resistor R6 offers protection to the circuit in case the "Out" terminal is momentarily shorted to ground.

If the voltage on the reference terminal on U1 exceeds 2.5 volts, it turns on, pulling the bottom of resistor R3 toward ground, turning on Q1 and causing the "Out" lead to go high, enabling the Renogy via the "D+" line. When this voltage goes high, resistor R7 feeds back a slight amount of current into the junction of R1/R2, very slightly increasing its voltage, lowering the circuit's turn-off voltage slightly but leaving the turn-on voltage unchanged:  The value of 270k shown causes this voltage difference between "on" and "off"  to be about 0.9 volts while a value of 680k results in a threshold difference of about 0.3 volts.

This threshold difference between turn-off and turn-on (a.k.a. hysteresis) is very important to the stable operation of this circuit.  If the voltage applied to the circuit were just above the threshold (by a fraction of a volt) the "Out" lead would turn on and activate the Renogy.  When this happened, the Renogy would start drawing current, causing the voltage to drop slightly through wire losses and load on the electrical system - but if this voltage dropped below the threshold, the "Out" lead would turn off again and the current consumption would stop, causing the voltage to rise again and turn it back on, causing an endless "on-off" cycle.  

By adding such hysteresis - and making sure that the voltage drop under load was comfortably less than the hysteresis amount - the unit will reliably turn on at the high voltage threshold and will not turn off until/unless the voltage drops below the low voltage threshold.  It is also imperative that this unit be connected as close to the battery (with appropriate fusing!) with as short and heavy leads as practical:  Too-light wiring will cause the voltage to drop under load, possibly causing it to trip out due to low voltage - only to be re-enabled immediately (e.g. the "on/off" cycling mentioned above.)  The need to minimize voltage drop is one reason why the power source should be connected as near the battery/alternator as practical.

Figure 4:
The completed unit in heat-shrink tube.  There are no
exposed electrical connections - just the adjustment at the end.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Enabling the Renogy by voltage detection alone isn't quite as reliable as having a connection to the ignition circuit of the vehicle, but it will work "well enough" and prevent the vehicle's battery from being flattened by the unit staying on all of the time, when the engine is off.

Figure 3, above shows the prototype unit, built on a small piece of prototype board.  R2, the 10 turn potentiometer is the blue device on the far right with U1 being the black object to the left of it with Q1 being on the far left.  In this photo, capacitor C1 is bent up, out of the way to allow a view of the components underneath where it will be laid over.

Figure 4 shows the same circuit covered with some yellow heat-shrink tubing to hold the components together and to protect it from external short circuits.  The end of the adjustment resistor, R2, protrudes from the end of the tubing so that it is accessible.

Installing within the unit

Figure 5:
The circuit within the converter.  The DC output
terminals (to the battery being charged) are in
the lower part of the image.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Not wanting to have a maze of wires outside the device, I installed the circuit inside the Renogy unit itself as seen in Figure 5.  Using some "Shoe Goo", a strong rubber adhesive (do not use "hot melt" glue!) the encapsulated board of Figure 4 was mounted in the upper-right corner of the "output" side of the unit, set back by about 3/8" of an inch (10mm).  The location is such that the voltage threshold adjustment is accessible via one of the ventilation holes:  Setting it back prevents it from obstructing air flow and makes the precise alignment between the screw of the potentiometer and the hole less critical.

The "V+" and "V-" wires from the circuit are soldered directly to the bottom of the board on the DC input terminals and the "out" terminal of the circuit (the blue wire in Figure 5) is routed through another hole near the green "D+" and "LC" terminals.

Figure 6 shows how these wires are routed.  In addition to the connection to the "D+" terminal from the circuit, another wire and a switch was added that optionally connects the "LC" terminal to the "D+" to set the Renogy to the "Low Current" mode by pulling it high when the switch is closed - in this case, limiting the maximum charge current to 10 amps, which may be useful if you are connecting the unit to a current-limited power source (e.g. "cigarette lighter" plug) that cannot supply the 25-ish amps current input that the unit may draw when charging at 20 amps output.

Figure 6:
Looking on the "output" side of the Renogy, this shows how
the "out" wire from the circuit routes out of one of the air
to the "D+" terminal.  Also shown is a switch that optionally
connects the "D+" to "LC" terminal for just 10 amp max.
Click on the image for a larger version.

This "modification" - since it does not involve drilling any holes - is "reversible" if desired as the circuit and wiring could be easily removed.

In-vehicle testing and use

High/low voltage turn-on/turn-off

Prior to testing the modified unit in my vehicle I set the "cut-in" voltage to about 13.65 volts which resulted in a disconnect voltage of around 12.7 volts - a voltage below which a 12 volt lead-acid battery will quickly drop when charging is stopped.  As expected, the unit did not get turned on until a few seconds after the engine was started, the voltage rising due to charging by the alternator:  If the battery had been heavily discharged and a lot of accessories were running (headlights, blower, wipers) it may take longer than this for the voltage to rise above the threshold.

The voltage dropped below the 12.7 volt shut-off threshold within a few 10s of seconds of turning off the engine with the entire unit drawing only about 0.5mA (all of that being from the added circuit) in that state - far lower than the vehicle's own quiescent current, and probably lower than the vehicle battery's self-discharge rate.  So far, I have found no tendency for the unit to cycle on and off while the engine is running - even if the headlights, heater blower and windshield wipers are on.

Of course, the voltage thresholds mentioned above are only valid for a healthy (and properly functioning) conventional charging with lead-acid batteries as part of the chassis electrical system:  If your vehicle somehow has a different type of electrical system than the conventional "alternator + lead acid" configuration it'll be up to you to determine how and even if a solely voltage-referenced on/off system like this can be done.

RF Noise generation

Being an amateur radio operator, I was concerned that this unit might produce an excess of radio frequency interference as it contains a high-power oscillator in its power converter.  While visual inspection of the Renogy (with its end covers removed) showed that it does have some filtering of its own in the form of series inductors and capacitors across the input/out leads and to the metal case (to suppress common-mode and differential RF energy) it would be unusual for even a well-designed commercial device to go to extremes in reducing radio frequency energy to the point of extinction. 

Using a "Tiny SA" Spectrum analyzer I connected directly to the input and output leads - using a 0.002uF capacitor to block DC and protect the analyzer - I measured the amount of RF energy being differentially emitted from the unit.  This measurement is important in that if the instantaneous RF voltage on the output leads is different than on the input leads, the in/out cables will necessarily conduct RF energy to the outside world, into whatever is connected at both ends, including the wiring itself, which may radiate like a dipole antenna and/or conduct radio-frequency current through the unit and into other wiring and/or equipment.  A plot from the spectrum analyzer showing the produced RF energy up to 10 MHz is shown below:

Figure 7:
The spectrum of RF energy as measured directly between the voltage in and out terminals across the range of 0-10 MHz with no filtering.  If a receiver's input terminals were connected directly to the DC terminals, the signal level at 40 meters (7 MHz) would be bit more than "10 over S-9.

Without any added filtering, I tested it in my vehicle - powering the 100 watt HF transceiver directly from the Renogy (with no battery) - something that I probably would not ever do in normal use:  If the converter does have the tendency to produce RF interference, connecting the radio directly to it and putting conducted RF energy on its power leads - and its chassis - would represent a "worst-case" scenario.  On 40 meters (7 MHz) and 12 meters (24 MHz) I could just hear the switching frequency's harmonics near the noise floor which indicated that it was pretty quiet - but not completely so.

Since the spectral switching components were just audible I decided to add a modicum of filtering on both the DC input and output leads - four bifilar turns of #12 AWG (e.g. the input/output power cables) each on their respective T140-43 ferrite cores as seen in Figure 9.  In most situations I would prefer to include bypass capacitors in the mix (see figure 4 in the article "Reducing QRM (interference) from a Renogy 200 watt (or any other!) portable solar panel system" - link) to (significantly!) improve performance, but I decided that even a modest reduction in conducted emissions would likely reduce them to the point of inaudibility.

A spectrum analyzer plot of the noise generated by the unit with the added filtering using just the bifilar-wound T140-43 cores is below:

Figure 8:
The spectrum of RF energy as measured between the in/out terminals with the bifilar inductors between the measurement point and the converter - also over the range of 0-10 MHz.  If a receiver's input terminals were connected directly to the DC terminals the signal level at 40 meters (7 MHz) would be a bit less than "S-9" - for a reduction of about 15dB, or nearly  3 "S" units.

As can be seen Figure 8, the bifilar chokes alone reduced conducted RF by a significant amount above a few MHz, but from as noted in the linked article mentioned above, the addition of the capacitors would have improved the attenuation of the conducted RF energy by another 20 dB or so, but including capacitors is a bit awkward as it involves baring wires and adding additional jumpers.  One issue related to lacking capacitors is the response peak around 2 MHz - likely due to a broad resonance of the bifilar inductors themselves - but this effect diminishes quickly as frequency increases on amateur bands likely to be used in a vehicle.  While not shown in any of the included plots, between 10 and 30 MHz the attenuation afforded by the bifilar chokes, alone, remains at 20dB or better for much of that range.

Note:  At HF, a simple "snap on" choke with a single wire running through its center will not offer enough impedance to provide good attenuation - particularly below 20 MHz.  As the choking inductance is proportional to the square of the number of turns through the ferrite device (e.g. 16-fold with four turns) it is only by being able to put multiple turns through it that we can effectively attenuate frequencies in the HF spectrum.

Figure 9:
The Renogy charger with 5-turn bifilar-wound 12 AWG
chokes wound on the DC input and output leads.  For best
results, always place the inductors as close to the noise-
generating device as practical.  Not visible is a fuse on the
input lead to provide protection to the device and wiring.
Click on the image for a larger version.

If interference from this device were to persist after adding the bifilar inductors, I will go through the trouble of adding the aforementioned capacitors.

Can it be scaled up?

The Renogy RNG-DCC1212-20 is "only" a 20 amp converter/charger, but higher current devices are made by Renogy and others.  While I don't own a higher-current Renogy device, those units seem to operate in exactly the same way:  The "D+" terminal may be used to power it on/off and the "LC" terminal, when pulled high, sets the output current to half of the unit's rating.

If RF interference is considered to be an issue, the higher-current units would require proportionally larger wires and likely larger ferrite cores (say, FT240-43) to accommodate a reasonable number of turns of that larger wire.

I cannot speak to how other brands or dissimilar models from Renogy might be powered down via their equivalent of the "D+" terminal to minimize quiescent current consumption:  That must be left as an exercise by the reader.

Real-world useage

Shortly after originally posting this article I went on a rather long road trip.  I had along with me three 100 aH LiFePO4 batteries and I was using them to power not only my refrigerator/cooler, but also my 100 watt HF transceiver.

The reason for powering the transceiver from the batteries was due to not wanting to pull more than about 30 amps from the connection to the battery, which itself is fused for 40 amps:  At full charge current, the Renogy could pull about 26 amps from the vehicle to deliver 20 amps to the battery, but the addition of the transceiver would have added another 20 amps, peak to this, the the desire to "average" out the current.  To monitor, I put a voltage and current meter on the "vehicle" side of the Renogy.

For the most part, things work perfectly:  I heard no QRM (interference) from the Renogy across the HF spectrum and the 20 amp charge current was more than enough to keep up with the loads, recharging the batteries within an hour or so even after running the refrigerator for a couple of days, in the car.

The one issue that I had was that at night, with the headlights and with the heater running was that when the vehicle's engine cooling fan would kick on, the electrical system voltage would drop just enough that my circuit for the Renogy would drop off - then the voltage would increase and would kick back on, repeatedly cycling.  While this could be easily "fixed" with an adjustment to the voltage threshold, I simply flipped the switch (see Figure 6) to the "10 amp" position:  This was still more than enough to maintain the batteries, even with the refrigerator and the HF transceiver running/being used.


This unit - and the modification - have worked as expected:  The unit gets turned on and off with the running of the engine automatically with no connection required other than that of power.  When traveling, 20 amps is enough to provide a reasonably fast charging rate to a modest bank (say, 200aH) of LiFePO4 batteries while even the "Low Current" 10 amp limit is more than enough to keep the batteries topped off with a moderate load such as a refrigerator-type cooler or a 100 watt HF amateur transceiver occasionally used for transmitting.

With the added filtering using the ferrite cores on which multiple turns are wound, no interference from the Renogy is audible on the HF transceiver in the vehicle.

 * * * * *

The TL;DR part

Why you need to treat LiFePO4 batteries differently

In the "old days" of lead-acid batteries, you could probably get away with putting it in parallel with the vehicle's electrical system - possibly with the use of an "isolator" (e.g. diode, FET pack, a relay or contactor that connected it in parallel with the starting battery when the engine is running) to prevent the drain on the auxiliary battery from depleting the vehicle's starting battery when the engine was off - but this CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be done with LiFePO4 batteries.

A LiFePO4 battery will attempt to pull "infinity" current when charging

The reason for this has to do with a fundamental difference between the two chemistries.  A healthy lead-acid battery is somewhat self-limiting in the amount of charging current it will take - at least when it's nearly fully-charged:  The charge current will gradually taper off as it asymptotically approaches full-charge.  Additionally, on a typical lead-acid battery the internal resistance of the battery and evolution of gasses at the plates often leads to intrinsic current limiting.

A healthy LiFePO4 battery is closer to that of an "ideal" battery in that unlike a lead-acid battery, where the current will gradually taper off as it approaches "full-charge" voltage (which isn't well defined in that chemistry), a LiFePO4 battery will attempt to consume as much current as it can until it is fully charged.  Practically-speaking, the current is actually limited by internal resistance of the battery - which can be in the milli-Ohm range - and the resistance of the wiring between the voltage source (the alternator) and the battery - and since heavy-gauge wire is typically used, this current can be very high.

In the case of a large (100aH or bigger) LiFePO4 battery, it's likely capable of consuming as much current as the alternator will put out - and this could easily exceed its actual ratings.  Short-term overcurrent conditions on an alternator - such as those that might occur immediately after starting the engine, particularly if accessories (lights, wipers, heater) is on - are tolerated, but they cannot withstand a continuous overload - such as that which might occur with a discharged LiFePO4 battery - without overheating - particularly in hot weather and/or if the vehicle is moving down the road quickly and providing air movement.

Another potential issue with a LiFePO4 battery has to do with its BMS (Battery Management System).  If the charge current exceeds the rating of the BMS, it will disconnect to prevent overcurrent that could damage the cells by charging them too vigorously.  At best, this would cause the BMS to disconnect/reconnect the battery (called "load dump", which is a problem as noted below) and at worst it could cause overheating and damage to the BMS.

The dangers of alternator "load dump"

Another issue with LiFePO4 batteries that does not exist with Lead Acid is that they can abruptly "dump" their load.  While a lead-acid battery's charge current will gradually taper off, if a LiFePO4 battery attains full charge, its BMS (Battery Management System) will abruptly disconnect the battery once any of its individual cells get to full voltage - something that can happen if the cells are all fully-charged and the current is minimal (the preferred situation) or if high current is still flowing, perhaps due to too-high charging voltage - a much worse case.  The result of an abrupt drop of a large current flow is that the voltage from the alternator will briefly skyrocket, its voltage regulator unable to compensate quickly enough.

While this can happen in a vehicle using a lead-acid battery when a load is suddenly removed (e.g. fan cycling, headlights being turned off) a healthy lead-acid battery is quite good at suppressing such voltage spikes and protecting the attached electronics - but voltage transients high enough in voltage to cause damage can still occur, perhaps cumulatively, particularly if the lead acid battery's condition is poor:  If there is no lead acid battery at all to buffer such transients (e.g. only a LiFePO4 battery) such a voltage spike can damage other devices connected to that power source as described in the example below.

Lead Acid and LiFePO4 batteries don't use the same voltages

A third issue is that the full-charge voltage of a typical "12 volt" LiFePO4 battery is 14.6 volts, precisely, whereas a lead-acid battery is quite forgiving, allowing anything between 13.5 and "14.something" volts as a full charge.  The implication of this is that a vehicle's electrical system is not precise enough to either avoid under-charging (e.g. too low voltage, preventing full charge) or over-charging (e.g. causing the BMS to connect/disconnect/reconnect).

Maintaining a precise voltage near the maximum voltage of a "12 volt" LiFePO4 battery (14.4-14.6 volts) for extended periods (a few hours) - at least occasionally - is also necessary for the BMS (Battery Management System) equalize the individual cells within the battery.  Failure to do this every so often will allow individual cells to drift apart in their charge states as inevitably, one or more cells will discharge more quickly - and if never fully recharged, those cells will seem "weaker" and the battery will appear to lose capacity.

"Equalization" as done by the BMS of a LiFePO4 battery is typically done by "leaking" current across fully-charged cells to top off those that are not - but this will only happen effectively at/near the battery's maximum voltage.  Depending on the degree of this "inequality", it may take hours of holding the battery at this high voltage to fully equalize the battery's cells.

Note that the equalization mechanism for LiFePO4 cells is NOT compatible with that which might be done for Lead-Acid - see the battery's manual or other references for the technical details.

Real-world case

I've seen the above issues play out on a friend's RV:  The original "chassis" battery to run the engine and charge the engine starting battery was augmented by a second and completely separate "coach" alternator which was dedicated to charging the LiFePO4 battery bank and running the devices in the living quarters (lights, TV, pumps, microwave oven, inverter, etc.)

Built by Thor onto a Mercedes chassis,  several alternators were destroyed (one of them lasting only minutes!) by overheating due to the the lack of current-limiting in the battery-charging regimen:  One of them lasted longer than the rest only due to several of the rectifier diodes going open-circuit almost immediately, crippling the ability of the alternator to produce output, limiting current - but putting very high ripple voltage/current onto the coach battery's electrical system.  Additionally, equipment connected to that circuit (a $1200 amateur radio transceiver) was destroyed by the high-voltage spike when a "load dump" occurred at the instant that the LiFePO4 battery disconnected  upon full charge do to the intrinsic inability of the alternator's voltage regulator to act quickly enough.  

It is fortunate that this vehicle had two separate alternators, so the integrity of the "chassis" electrical system responsible for powering the vehicle itself was spared any problems - and no damage to its components (engine and transmission computers, etc.) was possible.  Without a functioning "coach" alternator to recharge the LiFePO4 battery he was still able to make his trip, but had to stop every couple of days and camp somewhere where he could plug into a mains outlet and use the onboard charger to top it off.

Ultimately this friend ended up taking his rig to a company that specialized in RV power systems and the system was upgraded and reconfigured - at significant expense - to avoid the issues noted above.  A quick perusal of online RV forums will reveal many similar stories - some a result of the manufacturers apparently being unfamiliar with the requirements of LiFePO4 batteries and others from individual owners' botched retrofits.

* * * * *

This page stolen from


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Frequency response of the RX-888 SDR at the high and low ends (Above 30 MHz, below 1.5 MHz)

Figure 1:
The RX-888 Mk2.

For information about improving reception below 1.5 MHz, scroll down to the text surrounding Figure 2.

The RX-888 Mk 2 (hereafter referred to as the  RX-888 or '888) is a versatile device, essentially providing a means by which "all of HF" (0-30 MHz - or even 0-60 MHz) may be sampled and presented to a computer for processing via a multi-gigabit USB3 interface.  As it has no onboard signal processing, this device is practically "future proof" in that as all computations are performed on the host computer and there are no frequency or bandwidth limitations regarding the sort of signals - or how many - may be processed, presuming adequate processing capacity.


I've seen at least three different "sub-versions" of the RX-888 Mk2 - each one looking slightly different (different circuit board color and other minor differences) - since this device was released.  It's also very likely that components also vary a bit with different manufacturers so the actual frequency response of units of different "builds" may also change.  Unfortunately, I only "have what I have" and haven't been able to compare possible variations in frequency response with these different "builds" - if any.

The highs and the lows

Like any receiver, it has limits of its frequency response - both at the upper end where the high-pass filter dominates and at the bottom end where the component selection as well as the design itself will limit low-frequency response.

Let's look at the low end first.

The lows

The low end limit to the frequency response (somewhere below 1 MHz) of the '888 has not previously been well defined.  This low frequency response is set by component limitations within the HF signal path, including:

  • Coupling capacitors.  DC blocking capacitors in series with the signal path will act as high-pass filters, rolling off the low frequencies.
  • The Bias-Tee inductor.  The RX-888 has the ability to supply power via the antenna port to an amplifier.  This inductor has a finite inductance and it, too, will force a high-pass response as well.  This inductor's value was measured as being 10uH (nominal) which presents a reactance of 50 ohms at about 800 kHz.  This is the major contributor to low-frequency roll-off as discussed below.
  • The coupling transformer.  The RX-888 has a transformer that couples the input of the variable gain amplifier (VGA) from the attenuator.  As with any transformer, this, too, has defined low-frequency response.  This transformer was measured and found to have an inductance of 125uH of its primary (a reactance of 50 ohms at 64 kHz) with the secondary (the side facing the VGA) being about 760 uH.

This low-frequency roll-of is not uncommon in broadband receivers:  Most amateur transceivers suffer severe performance degradation at LF and VLF frequencies for the simple reason that the designers presume (correctly!) that very few of the users of that gear would ever be interested in that range - and making this assumption simplifies the design somewhat and reduces cost. 

Using a signal generator with a constant output, the response of the RX-888 (Mk2) was measured, using the signal strength at 1500 kHz as a reference, with and without the Bias-Tee inductor removed:

Frequency (kHz)Attenuation (db)
Unmodified unit
Attenuation (db)
Bias-Tee inductor removed
1500 (Reference)
475 (630 meters)
137 (2200 meters)
100 (Loran C)
75  (DCF77 approx.)
60  (WWVB, JJY)
30 (Submarine comms)
25 (Submarine comms)
20 (Submarine comms)

Table 1:  Attenuation measurements at 1.5 MHz and below using both an unmodified RX-888 and the same one after the bias-Tee inductor was removed.

Comments about the frequency response of the unmodified unit:

As can be seen from the table above, the "stock" RX-888 is flat within about 2 dB or so across the AM broadcast band (520-1700 kHz) but it falls off precipitously between 100 and 300 kHz with a bit of "rebound" in the 40-150 kHz area, likely due a very low "Q" resonance of inductance and capacitance of the aforementioned components (inductors, transformers) in the signal path.

In the "VLF" range (30 kHz and below) the unmodified receiver may be somewhat usable when using an active antenna to overcome losses, but at 20 kHz and below the response drops off like a rock and, as the chart shows, it's pretty much unusable below 5-10 kHz.

The factors above conspire to prevent a flat frequency response at lower frequencies - say, those below 1.5 MHz.  For the table below, my reference amplitude and frequency is 1.5 MHz as it seemed to be more or less representative of the amplitude response above this, in the HF range - and it seemed to be comfortably above that at which the aforementioned high-pass effects of the components were having a significant effect.

Figure 2:
The red arrow points to the location of the
10uH bias-Tee inductor.  As seen in
Table 1, its removal can significantly improve
MF and LF performance.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Can anything be done to improve LF/VLF response?

YES, it is possible to modify the RX-888 to improve the low and frequency response by removing the Bias-Tee inductor (see Figure 2) from the HF port and as can be seen from the above data there is a dramatic difference in usable sensitivity at frequencies below 1 MHz - particularly below 400 kHz.

This is the easiest modification as it entails the removal of a single component and Figure 2 shows the location of this inductor.  It may most easily be removed with a hot-air rework tool, but it should be possible to carefully use a solder-wetted iron to heat it and remove with a pair of tweezers (temporarily remove any thermal pad below that portion of the board if it's present) or a very sharp pair of diagonal flush-cut pliers to remove it (perhaps destructively) as well.

There are other ways by which the low frequency response may be improved, including:

  • Replacing the coupling transformer.  The transformer used in the RX-888 is likely specified for a low-end frequency response of 1 MHz or so, so it's not surprising that this may be the worst offender (once the bias-tee inductor has been removed) in low-frequency roll-off.  Replacing it with a different unit with larger inductance (a commercial or hand-made unit) would certainly help.  It may also be possible to simply replace the transformer with coupling capacitors (say, 0.1uF) - but this would be at the expense of sensitivity and performance across the entire frequency range, something that might be acceptable if one's primary interest was in the MF/LF/VLF spectrum.  As the inductance of the transformer's primary is known to be about 125uH, we can see that this is likely the main cause of attenuation below 60 kHz.
  • Increasing value of coupling capacitors.  The coupling capacitors in series with the signal path are likely not ideal for coupling VLF frequencies.  A value such as 0.1 uF or larger would be suggested.

For VLF use (30 kHz and below) if you have interest in this frequency range you may be better off not trying to use the RX-888 - at least directly.  Some possibilities include:

  • Use a VLF up-converter.  Converting the frequencies 0-30 kHz to a higher frequency range will put this spectrum within the useful range of the RX-888 and practically any other modern receiver.  There have been a number of VLF up-converter units for sale in the past, but I don't have a specific recommendation.  If this up-converter is clocked from the same source as the RX-888's clock (e.g. using its onboard 27 MHz oscillator, or both from a common, external clock) then frequency drift could be minimized.
  • Use a sound card.  A modest computer sound card with a 192 kHz sample rate and a 16 to 24 bit A/D converter is perfectly capable of ingesting frequencies up through at least 80 kHz and down (nearly) to DC.

Having a receiver capable of VLF (3-30 kHz) or ELF (300-3000 Hz) is one thing, but having an antenna system capable of this is a different matter altogether.  There are many available E-field active whips that will work well down into the 10-20 kHz region, but below that frequency you are into the realm of specialized gear - and listening at "audio" radio frequencies in all but the most rural areas devoid of power lines and other forms of civilization can be fraught with frustration and disappointment due to the likely pick-up of mains-related energy and its harmonics.

Here are a few links related to equipment for LF/VLF reception.  Note that I have not necessarily built, bought or used the equipment described below, so your mileage may vary.

The effective reception of signals in the LF, VLF and ELF frequency range is highly contingent on having a "quiet" receive site, largely free of local noise sources and also on scrupulous attention to detail when it comes to decoupling the feedline (going to the "noisy" chassis of the receiver) from the antenna to prevent unwanted signals from being conveyed - but that's a topic of its own!

See the article A (semi)-typical suburban E-field whip receive system for the 630 and 2200 meter amateur bands - link. for a few details on how this might be done.

Real-world observations

At the Northern Utah WebSDR - where there are, at the time of writing, full-time WSPR receivers - it so-happens that there are currently some KiwiSDR and RX-888 based receivers sharing the exact, same signal path.  The KiwiSDR - which is capacitively coupled (e.g. you can hear "tinny" audio from the receiver tuned to 0 Hz and you apply the source to the antenna connector) has quite good response well into the VLF range.

Compared to the RX-888, the KiwiSDR performs noticeably better on the 2200 meter amateur band (137 kHz) in decoding WSPR and FST4W signals in which the '888 is about 15dB down.  As the '888 based system can't hear the 2200 meter signals as well, this indicates that signal levels feeding the '888 are a bit too low for it to "hear" the noise floor of the antenna system - but it also indicates that, perhaps, a few dB of boost in the signal path may remedy this:  This RX-888 has NOT had its bias-Tee inductor removed - but that's on the "to do" list:  After the bias-Tee inductor is removed I expect that it will perform comparably to the KiwiSDR at 2200 meters and I'll update this web page after having done so.

As the "LF/VLF" antenna system at the Northern Utah WebSDR is separate from that of the HF signal path - being combined in a special filter/amplifier module - boosting only the LF/VLF path would be the most beneficial as it wouldn't compromise HF reception by potentially overloading the A/D converter as would boosting everything.

The Highs

The RX-888's specifications state that it contains a "60 MHz" low-pass filter - but the precise nature of its response is not noted.

Comment about sample rates and aliasing - and the need for additional low-pass filtering

The use of the 60 MHz low-pass filter implies that the designers intended an A/D converter sample rate of more than twice that frequency - and since the RX-888 will happily sample at more than 130 MHz, this fits the need.  Many users do not operate their RX-888 at 130 MHz, however, as their interest does not extend beyond HF and operate it, instead, at around 65 MHz to reduce CPU and power loading.

A bit of warning here:  With a 65 MHz sample rate, the '888 will happily respond to signals above the Nyquist frequency (half of the sample rate, or 32.5 MHz) and these signals - spectrally "inverted" - will naturally appear at lower and lower frequencies as the original source signal's frequency increases.  Since the '888s low-pass filter is set at around 60 MHz, it will do nothing to prevent this:  The far right column of Table 2, below, shows the aliases of the test frequencies.

What this means is that users of the RX-888 using it at a sample rate lower than 130 MHz should be using an outboard low-pass filter.  With a sample rate of 65 MHz, a good-quality 30 MHz Low-Pass filter is strongly recommended and will suppress aliased signals that would otherwise appear above Nyquist.  Such filters may be found online via the usual retailers, but do not overlook an old 30 MHz transmit-type low-pass filter of the sort used to prevent interference to analog TV by an HF transmitter - often found at amateur radio swap meets or on EvilBay for cheap.

Even if you do run the RX-888 at 130 MHz sample rate, the low-pass filter is rather mediocre (only 30-40dB across most of the band) and you will likely need to add an FM broadcast-band filter to your receive system if there's even a modestly-strong transmitter near you.

 The amplitude response, relative to 30 MHz, is shown below:

Frequency (MHz)Attenuation (dB)Alias frequency (MHz)
@130 MHz sample rate
Alias frequency (MHz)
@65 MHz sample rate
30 (Reference)0--
7014.160(double alias)
7517.75510  (double alias)
8021.75015  (double alias)
8527.14520  (double alias)
9032.54025  (double alias)
9537.83530  (double alias)
10042.83030  (triple alias)
10548.02525  (triple alias)
11052.92020  (triple alias)

 Table 2:  Sensitivity response of the RX-888 relative to 30 MHz

Table 2 shows the amplitude response of the RX-888 (Mk2) relative to 30 MHz.  The third and fourth column show the resulting aliased frequencies at sample rates of 130 and 65 MHz, respectively.

"Could I intentionally use aliases to receive higher frequencies than my sample rate would allow?"
After reading this, you might ask yourself "If I operate at a sample rate of 65 MHz, could I intentionally do this to receive spectrally-inverted 6 meter signals between 15 and 11 MHz?"
The answer is yes, you could - and as the chart above shows, they would be only 3.8-5.5dB down from the "real" signals across that same 15-11 MHz range.  Intentionally allowing aliases to occur is often done to allow the detection of signals well above the sample rate.  The caveat here is that one would want to sharply filter the source of the "above Nyquist" frequencies to limit them to the band of interest as well as prevent noise on the aliased frequency (15-11 MHz in this example) by filtering those frequencies as well.
Doing this works just fine as long as proper filtering is done to keep out the "unwanted" signals (at the higher and lower frequencies) along with appropriate amplification make up for losses.
In the example above, the lower part of 6 meters would appear just above the 20 meter band - but if one adjust the sample rate, the alias could be moved farther away from 20 meters and, with proper filtering, one could receive both 6 and 20 meters on the same receiver hardware.

What the above table above also shows is that the 60 MHz low-pass filter isn't very good:  By the time you get to the bottom of the FM broadcast band (88 MHz) we know that the attenuation is only around 32 dB.  Here in North America it's common for an FM broadcast station to have many 10s of kilowatts of ERP which means that if you live anywhere near such a station - even if you are using an antenna that wasn't designed to receive FM broadcast frequencies - you may experience some interference around the alias frequencies noted in Table 2.

No matter the sample rate at which you operate your RX-888, it's recommended that you carefully check for aliased responses of FM transmitters.  If you find them - and even if you don't - I'd recommend a separate FM broadcast band blocking filter be installed to quash ingress from strong signals:  Without it you'll probably get some leakage of moderate-to-strong signals in the 22-42 MHz range (frequency-inverted) if you are running at a 130 MHz sample rate or in the 23-32 MHz range if you are running at a sample rate of 65 MHz.

Figure 2 also demonstrates why - if you operate the '888 with a sample rate of 65 MHz - you should really be using a good 30 MHz low-pass filter with it:  Any signals above 30 MHz - including noise - will be attenuated only to the extent shown in the table and will interfere with the desired 0-30 MHz signals.

* * * * *

Other RX-888 related posts at this site:

  • Measuring signal dynamics of the RX-888 -  This page discusses the gain distribution of the RX-888, its apparent sensitivity and steps that one should take to maximize performance when used for simultaneous "all of HF" reception.
  • Improving the thermal management of the RX-888 (Mk2) - The internal power dissipation of the RX-888 exceeds its ability to get rid of the heat that it produces, reducing reliability - particularly in environments with elevated temperature.  This page discusses what to do to remedy this.
  • Using and external clock with the RX-888 (Mk2) - Although the RX-888's TCXO is pretty good, you may wish to use an external reference to provide very high frequency accuracy and stability - and this page gives advice and warnings about doing so.
  • Repairing a dead RX-888 (no A/D converter clocking) - While external clocking of the RX-888 (Mk 2) is desirable, it must be done with a bit of care to protect the circuitry involved.  If you do manage to damage your '888, this page may be helpful in its repair.


This page stolen from


Monday, November 25, 2024

The "Universal TCXO" - better stability for the TS-590 (and other radios) using the QRP Labs ProgRock 2

Figure 1:
The TS-590G into which the ProgRock was installed.
A useful accessory for many amateur transceivers is a TCXO - a device, often offered as an option, that improves the absolute frequency stability and accuracy of the radio.  When in current production, the TCXO is available from the manufacturer - and possibly from third parties - but long after the radio has been made, a TCXO may be difficult to find.

One option for addressing this issue is the use of the QRP Labs ProgRock 2 - LINK.  This unit is pretty inexpensive (US$18 at the time of writing) and has a stability of 0.5ppm - which is likely better than even the original TCXO offered by the manufacturer.

Any weird frequency

While it would be convenient if radios had a nice, easy frequency like 10 MHz as their main oscillator, that is rarely the case - and this was true for a friend's TS-590G which wanted 15.6 MHz.  This radio, which he purchased second-hand, did not come with a TCXO and based on his experience during June Field Day and winter Field Day (in January) it drifted excessively - a few 10s of Hz on 10 meters - enough that he would occasionally get complaints about him being "off frequency" - even if it was he that was calling CQ!

Although an aftermarket unit was available, he was intrigued by the idea of using the ProgRock 2 as this same device could be programmed for any frequency between about 3.5 kHz and 200 MHz with a resolution of 1 Hz.  Additionally, the ProgRock 2 allows the use of a 1 PPS (1 pulse-per-second) output from a GPS module to "discipline" the oscillator with even greater stability - but more on this later.

Prepping the ProgRock 2

Using the ProgRock 2 is pretty easy:  It has a micro-USB connector onboard and when plugged into a computer, it can appear as a serial port - refer to the manual for the appropriate driver.  Using a serial terminal program - like PUTTY - one simply enters the frequency, to the nearest 1 Hz, hit the "S" key to save it to memory and you are pretty much done.  The ProgRock will allow the output of more than one frequency if needed (the manual has more detail) but we will be using output #1, which is also the one into which we'd program the needed frequency, setting the others to zero (e.g. "off").

Figure 2:
ProgRock 2 with the 3.9 and 10k resistors mounted to allow
the external application of a 1pps signal from a GPS module
to stabilize the frequency further.  The bottom side of the
ProgRock 2 is shown.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Having said that, there's a bit more to it in that it needs power, ground, and the signal output needs to get into the radio - but more on that in a moment.  

As my friend wished to experiment with using a 1 PPS source to nail it down to frequency, a 3.9k series resistor was added to the "1pps" pin along with a 10k resistor to ground to keep the pin from "floating" around in voltage when nothing was connected to it.  Figure 2 shows these resistors mounted on the "bottom" side of the board:  The upper resistor is the 3.9k connected to the 1pps pad with the lower, 10k resistor connected to a ground pad.  The junction of the two (with the yellow piece of insulating tubing) is where the 1pps input would be connected.

The use of the 3.9k resistor is described in the ProgRock 2's documentation which notes that the onboard microcontroller operates from 3.3 volts - but placing this resistor in series (the value of which isn't particularly critical) limits the current into the logic pin, allowing it to be safely driven by a 5 volt - or even 12 volt - 1pps pulse. 

Figure 3:
The Progrock 2 mounted to the original TS-590 TCXO board
using short, insulated jumper wires.  The top side of the
ProgRock 2 is shown.
Click on the image for a larger version.
As noted in the ProgRock 2's documentation, as long as the 1pps pin is held low, it's ignored and the unit will operate based on the frequency set by its onboard oscillator, but when it sees the 1pps pulses, it measures the time between their rising edges to determine how far off the internal clock is from ideal, making slow, incremental changes.  If the 1pps signal were to later disappear, it would simply "hold" that frequency until the ProgRock 2 was power-cycled at which point it would revert to the internal clock unless/until it was again presented with a 1pps signal.

There's a place for it!

While the "stock" TS-590 did not come with a TCXO, there was a small "daughter" board adjacent to the portion of the circuit board with the stock oscillator on which the user is expected to solder a TCXO in the form of a "crystal can" oscillator module - or, in the case of some after-market units - replace that board entirely.  As the ProgRock 2 is roughly the size of a postage stamp (it will fit within an HC-6 crystal can!) it could be wedged on this same board - which is convenient as this board also carries 5 volt power for the original TCXO, so a bit of pretty easy "micro" surgery was undertaken.

Figure 4:
A hand-drawn diagram showing the connections
on the top side of the TS-590's TCXO board and
the ProgRock 2 board.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Figure 3 shows how the ProgRock 2 board was mounted on the original TCXO board.  Fortunately, all of the needed connections are there:  +5 volts to run the original TCXO, ground, and the signal output.  Figure 4 shows a hand-drawn diagram showing the original TCXO board (top) with its pin locations while a representation of the ProgRock board (with the USB connector oriented on top) is in the lower drawing along with its connections.

Using small gauge, insulated wire liberated from a scrap of CAT5 Ethernet cable, short-as-possible jumpers were run between the TCXO board and the ProgRock.  In Figure 3, the "ground" connections were made using green wire - one of them utilizing the body of the USB connector - while the output signal used blue and the power used orange:  In the upper-right corner of the ProgRock 2 board - just above the USB connector - you can just see the yellow insulating tubing of the 1pps connection.

There is JUST enough room - if one scrunches the edge of the ProgRock 2 board against the TCXO board's white connector (and by routing wires such that they are not between the ProgRock 2 board and the connector) so that it will fit in the original location within the TS-590 as can be seen in Figure 5, below.


It was noted - during testing of the TS-590 - that  the combination of 10 meters at 100 watts while using the built-in tuner - seemed to "glitch" the ProgRock for reasons unknown, although it's suspected that magnetic fields from the PA/Tuner board are finding their way through the aluminum chassis from the opposite side.  Simply tipping the ProgRock 2 board from being flat against the original TCXO board to more of an angle and adding another ground wire jumper to the TCXO board seemed to fix this.

One important consideration is that you MUST be sure that there's a blocking capacitor somewhere between the output of the ProgRock 2 and the input of the circuit that it's driving.  As it turns out, the stock TS-590 TCXO board has such a blocking capacitor - but if your application does not, or you are not sure if it does, simply use a 0.001 to 0.1uF capacitor in series with the output - and this capacitor may also serve in lieu of a jumper wire in connecting it to the radio.

Finally, don't forget to disable the original oscillator of the radio into which you are installing the ProgRock 2.  In the case of the TS-590, there are two jumpers that must be removed - one to cut power to the original oscillator and the other to disconnect its output - these black jumpers are just visible to the right of the orange connector on the jumper cable to the TCXO board on Figure 5.  In some radios the TXCO replaces the original oscillator entirely so there's no need to "disable" it.

Figure 5:
The TCXO + Progrock 2 boards, installed in the TS-590.
There is enough wire length to connect the USB to program
the ProgRock in-situ if the mounting screw is removed.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Checking the calibration

You might notice that the TS-590's TCXO board is connected with a short, 4-wire jumper (the red, black and green wires in Figure 5) and this is long enough to allow connection of the ProgRock 2 board to a USB cable and a computer to allow the frequency to be adjusted "live", while the radio is in operation - this requires removing the single mounting screw to permit the board to "hang loose".

Simply setting the ProgRock 2 to 15.6 MHz exactly in the configuration menu resulted in the TS-590 being within 2 Hz of the correct frequency when checked against the 10 MHz WWV/H signal - this difference likely because the ProgRock 2's onboard 25 MHz oscillator was very slightly off, but well within the 0.5ppm tolerance.

But what if you wanted it to be closer?  Keep in mind that the frequency tolerance of the ProgRock 2's own TCXO is 0.5ppm which amounts to as much as 5 Hz at 10 MHz (or 15 Hz at 30 MHz) so absolute accuracy over a wide temperature range is unrealistic - but "dialing it in" at the typical room temperature (or that of the radio's interior after it has been on for a while) is quite reasonable - although there's a caveat to this if you plan to use the 1pps input as we'll soon discuss.

Dialing it in

If you have an ultra-precise frequency reference such as a GPS-disciplined oscillator or a Rubidium reference, by all means use it - but if you don't, you can use an off-air frequency reference like WWV, WWVH, CHU, BPM, or whatever else is near you that is KNOWN to be very precise - but the higher the frequency, the better.

Using 15 MHz WWV as an example, tune the radio USING THE KEYPAD so that it is exactly on frequency:  Note that the TS-590 can tune smaller than the 10 Hz steps shown on the display, so turning the dial doesn't guarantee that you are on the "zero Hz" frequency step.  Without bumping the main tuning knob and knocking it off by less than a 10 Hz step listen for the WWV transmission to hear the portion when they are transmitting the 500 or 600 Hz tone (this step won't work if they are not transmitting this tone) and switch between USB and LSB:  If you hear any difference in tone, you may wish to tweak the ProgRock's frequency up or down as appropriate.  If the tone on USB is slightly lower than that on LSB, the ProgRock's frequency needs to be set slightly lower.

An alternative method to setting the frequency is to use a spectrum analysis program - "Spectran" by I2PHD (LINK) is probably the easiest to use.  In this case, one would tune Spectran for a 1 kHz tone and configure it to pick up the audio via the computer's microphone - or using a direct audio connection such as a rig interface or audio cable from the radio.  If you are using WWV/H for this, it's suggested that you first listen using AM and verify that your sound card's sample rate is accurate, showing precisely 500 or 600 Hz during the periods when WWV/H is transmitting those tones.  If you find that it's not showing exactly 500 or 600 Hz (to within a Hz or so) you may wish to try a different sound card/computer combination or just do a bit of math to compensate for the slight difference in the audio card's sample rate.

Using USB on the TS-590, tune exactly 1 kHz below WWV/H (e.g. 14.999 kHz) using the keypad and measure the frequency:  If the tone frequency measures slightly high when using USB, the ProgRock's 15.6 MHz frequency can be increased slightly - but remember that it may be done only in 1 Hz steps.  Remember that 1 Hz at 15.6 MHz will cause a frequency shift of about 0.6 Hz at 10 MHz and almost 2 Hz at 30 MHz as the effect will be proportional to the radio of the reference frequency (15.6 MHz in this case) and the frequency to which the receiver is tuned.

Comment about tuning step size.

Many modern transceivers tune in 10 Hz steps or finer - but note that these steps are often not exactly what they may seem.  For example, some radios' 10 Hz steps aren't exactly 10 Hz each - some being a bit more, some being a bit less - but that they will average 10 Hz steps.  The same goes for the smaller step sizes as well.

Keep this in mind when you are attempting to set/measure a given radio exactly to frequency as this slight difference in step size may result in some frequencies being slightly different from what is expected and this difference may vary by seemingly random amounts.

Using the (optional) 1pps input

As noted earlier, the ProgRock 2 can take a 1pps input from a GPS receiver module, using this to make gradual corrections of the frequency.  Doing this if the GPS signal is reliable will result in the frequency being very stable over a wide temperature range, but there are two caveats to this:

  • The ProgRock 2 doesn't (yet?) have in its firmware a means by which one can input an offset of its 25 MHz TCXO frequency.  As the onboard 25 MHz TCXO is not likely to be exactly correct, this means that if you set set the frequency at room temperature - and the oscillator is slightly off - when you apply a 1pps input the frequency will then be shifted assuming a 25 MHz clock frequency.  The reason for this is that the 1pps will set the frequency as if the onboard 25 MHz TCXO were 25 MHz, exactly - but since it probably isn't (remember - it's rated to be within 0.5ppm) a frequency shift will result.
    • In other words, if you want your radio to be precisely on frequency with a 1pps input, you will have to "dial it in" with 1pps applied and expect it to be slightly off when no 1pps signal is present.
    • If you ever do apply a 1pps signal - even briefly - the Progrock 2 will "remember" that offset even when the 1pps is removed until the unit is power-cycled.  If the 1pps is removed, the oscillator will now be free to drift with temperature. 
  • The frequency step corrections as a result of the 1pps input are not infinitesimally small.  What this means is that with 1pps applied, every second the frequency will shift slightly, typically hovering above and below the target - but the magnitude of these corrections may be set in the configuration of the ProgRock 2.
    • For most modes on HF - including FT8, FT4, PSK31, CW, Sideband or even many digital modes - these small "sub-Hz" shifts would likely be inconsequential. 
    • If you are using a digital mode where fractional-Hertz frequency shifts are important, you may want to carefully consider using 1pps at all, weighing the pros and cons of having seemingly random small frequency shifts.  Modes where this may be important would be WSPR, FST4W (particularly the modes longer than 2 minutes), coherent CW, during an FMT (Frequency Measurement Test) or any other instance where small frequency steps may be disruptive.
    • If you are in a situation where the continual frequency correction is an issue but you want the frequency to be closer than what the TCXO onboard the ProgRock will allow you might consider manually applying the 1pps signal intermittently to occasionally recalibrate the frequency.  This would allow the frequency to drift slightly with temperature between calibration intervals.
    • While one may configure the adjustment size in the ProgRock 2 and likely minimize the size of the frequency adjustment steps, remember that it must be capable of correcting for the normal and expected frequency changes related to temperature.  This need sets a minimum correction size that will be practical and the varying environments with differing temperature and its stability will affect this.
    • If you are using a 1pps input on a radio that operates in the VHF/UHF and/or microwave frequencies, these small frequency shifts will be proportionally larger and may even be noticeable on SSB and/or as slight "clicks"in received audio - possibly making the radio unusable for digital modes altogether.  It may be possible to configure the ProgRock 2 to mitigate this somewhat by reducing the magnitude of the corrections, but they will always be there.

Using the ProgRock2 in other radios

As the ProgRock2 can be programmed for about any frequency you like, it can be used in radios other than the Kenwood TS-590.   The ProgRock 2 draws a modest amount of current (40-60mA) so its addition will likely not be consequential in power consumption on "desktop" and "mobile" radios - but it may be significant on a QRP or portable radio.  It's likely that most radios do NOT have a handy board onto which the ProgRock 2 may be easily mounted like the TS-590, but the unit is small enough that it will likely fit in/near the location intended for the oscillator/TCXO.

Be sure to use as short as leads as practical and it will likely be necessary to use some sort of adhesive (foam or glue) or some sort of "zip tie" to hold the ProgRock 2 board into place.  If possible, be sure to install it such that the ProgRock 2 may be moved so that its USB port may be connected to a  computer to allow final tweaking of frequency once it is installed - at least before it is secured into place:  Once the frequency has been "dialed in" it's unlikely that you'll need to readjust it any time soon.

The ProgRock 2 is also rather flexible in its power supply, but even though it is rated to 12.0 volts, I would NOT recommend allowing more than 10 volts ever be applied to it - and the input voltage can be as low as around 4 volts meaning that it's likely that if the radio itself has an already-existing supply rail (5 volts like the TS-590 - many have an 8, 9 or 10 volt supply as well) that will work nicely or one could use an appropriately-chosen series resistor to drop its supply by a few volts.

As noted above, you must be sure to keep the DC of the output of the ProgRock from being shorted to ground (via a transformer or inductor to ground) or to another voltage source (such as a bias network of an amplifier/buffer) as it has no blocking capacitor of its own.  In the TS-590 the original TCXO board had its own blocking capacitor - but if your intended circuit doesn't have such - or if you don't know if it has one - simply add a 0.001 to 0.1uf (value not critical) series blocking capacitor of your own.

Most "recent" radios (e.g. those made since the early-mid 90s) have a single frequency reference for their synthesizer - but ones prior to this (and a few after) may have more than one master oscillator that determines the precise frequency.  It's worth noting that the ProgRock 2 can output more than one frequency at a time (three if you are not using the 1pps input - just two if you are) and it may be possible to program one of the ProgRock's other outputs to another useful frequency.  One possibility is for very old analog radios that sport a 100 kHz crystal calibrator or similar:  The ProgRock 2 would be excellent for this purpose.

In some cases, these "other" frequencies may include the radio's BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator) or HFO (Heterodyne Frequency Oscillator) in which case you may need to be more creative - but it's worth noting that the ProgRock has up three "digital" inputs that may optionally be used allowing up to eight separate frequency combinations to be produced - possibly allowing one to replace impossible-to-find crystals in vintage radios - but this is a possible topic of another article.

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